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Spaying and Neutering

Deciding whether or not you are going to get your pet neutered is one of the most important decisions you will make with your pet’s care. We recommend neutering at 6 months of age, allowing them time to grow before doing the surgery. Neutering an animal is overall the healthiest option as it greatly reduces the risk of certain cancers and pyometra in female cats. It also prevents unwanted pregnancies and helps to curb behavioral problems that unaltered cats tend to begin showing after this time. 

Before beginning any surgical procedure, our staff at the Cat Clinic of Louisville takes every step to make sure your cat is healthy before going under anesthesia. Pre-Anesthetic blood work and a physical exam are always recommended. It is our number one priority to make sure that your pet is safe throughout the surgery which is why any surgical patient is closely monitored by one of our staff the entire time they are under treatment. For more information about what to do to prepare your pet for surgery at home, and the initial intake process of surgical patients please click here.  


Neutering is a non-invasive procedure that removes a male cat’s testicles to prevent reproduction. The overall time for a neuter procedure is not long, about 30 minutes maximum, and very safe. The cat is fully sedated so as not to cause pain, there is a small incision in the skin to remove the testicles and then the incision is glued closed. Some cats may go home with an e-collar to prevent licking at the area.

Spaying on a female cat is a more invasive procedure then a neuter but is still considered an overall safe procedure. We follow all our normal steps from surgery and monitor the cat from the time she is sedated until she is fully awake. During a spay procedure, an incision is made in the abdomen and the uterus is removed. The incision is then closed with absorbable sutures under the skin and glue on the surface skin. Your pet is then sent home with anti-inflammatory and pain medication. They may also be sent home with an e-collar, but that is not always necessary.


(502) 584-7055

©2022 by The Cat Clinic of Louisville.

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